Sunday, August 30, 2009


This was our first time camping with both girls. We went with Rhett and Emily and their family. We went to a place called Powell Springs up by Prescott. It was a lot of fun. The girls had a blast, but unfortunately, Aubrey picked up a fever the next day. We can't wait to go camping again.

What would camping be without Oreo's? There are better pictures, but probably too disgusting to put on this blog!

The irony with the picture is what is written on Addy's shirt.
Wow! Addy, your dad must be a looker! Dirt, juice, cookies, crumbs and all!

The kids hanging out in their camping chairs.

Addy helping place rocks around the fire ring.

Aubrey and Louisa sharing a moment together!


Good morning, girls!

The gang hanging out around the campfire.

Fold your arms, raise up young left arm, raise up your right arm! Tickle! Tickle! Tickle!


M. said...

oooh, I love camping! ... and your girls are so cute! I already need to see you again.

M. said...

oh, and get on facebook


camirobson said...

Moll! Looks like you guys had a blast camping! So, I still haven't seen you in forever. We need to get together. Miss you!

Unknown said...

I'm not sure how I found you but you two have about the cutest little girls on the planet! MY GOODNESS!!!

hope you're feeling good!

The Shepro's said...

Ok so I LIVE for updates from you. We both update our blogs about as often as we probably get a free minute, although I have a feeling your hubby is the one who does the updates:) I am serious one of these days I'm going to end up on your doorstep. It's going to happen so prepare yourself b/c when it happens...oh my friend...the fun we will have!

Tina ♥ said...

They are so cute!! And looking so old! Glad you guys had fun camping!

Katrina said...

Looks like you guys had a great time! Oreos should definitely be on everyones camping list!!